I know we've all heard terrible things about Multi-level marketing. We run when we hear someone talk about a MLM opportunity. They try to suck us in with their success stories. Why would an already successful Health & Fitness Company want to turn to MLM? Because with weight loss, those who have been successful are INSPIRING! If they can do it why can't I? That is how I got involved with Beachbody. I knew some people who were moderately overweight. They had found success with workouts from Beachbody. They look awesome now! If they can do it why can't I? So I ordered ChaLEAN Extreme in January of 2009. I followed the program for 4 months and found I am smaller and feel better than ever! Yes, better than high school!
So if they can make a living by helping others get fit and encouraging people to live healthy lives, why can't I? So I started my journey of building my business to help and encourage folks to get healthy in October of 2010. Why? Because I believe in the products, use the products and know they work. Because our health costs are skyrocketing from people making poor health choices. Because our bodies are the temple of God and should be treated as such. I also want more freedom to spend time with my kids. I don't want to look back after 40 years in an office/cube and wonder how I missed it all. And, if I can do it, why can't you??? www.beachbodycoach.com/beckytn
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