Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Is anyone reading this?

I wonder if anyone reads this. Leave me a comment if you do.

Floss Picks

Ok, I've always heard that you should floss every day. But who really takes the time to do it??? I get on a kick but it never sticks. But the girls' dentist really wants them to floss, but we can't get our large fingers in their mouths. So I bought floss picks. They really aren't expensive, you can get about 100 for $3. They are wonderful! Everyone should use them. It makes flossing so much fun and easy! Now we all floss every day! I've heard that people with the healthiest gums live the longest. So now that I floss every day and drink Shakeology, maybe I'll live to 100!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Live NOW

God has been reminding me of something lately. That he is in the business of character building. He cares much more about who we are becoming rather than where we're headed. I'm trying to stop living for that someday... someday when I can quit my job and be a stay at home mom... someday when my kids won't be so messy and my house will be clean... someday when I'll have time to exercise... someday when I can focus on my marriage. Life is to be lived NOW! Lord, help me to stop focusing on what I don't have that I desire and focus on all the blessings you've put in my life. Help me take steps today to meet the needs of others, love my kids, love my husband, and look for your hand on my life. Amen.

I hope you use every moment you're given TODAY!