Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What is Beachbody?

Beachbody has changed the lives of many people I know.  They are in the best shape of their lives, free from medication they were once dependent upon, financially free, able to spend more time with their families and helping others achieve their own goals.  Larry Zimberg puts it this way, "This business is not about sales, nor will it ever be. It is about perseverance. It is about desire and the will to achieve something more, something greater than the status quo. It is a journey, not of what you get along the way, but of who you become; reaching out in the service of others and helping the person next to you. And it is about heart."  I am inspired by the people I have met through Beachbody to live a better life.  I am looking forward to 2011 and how Beachbody will change my life.  Anyone want to join me?

What is your New Years Resolution?

2011 is only a few days away.  I am planning to make it my best year ever.  My best fitness, best career advancement, best relationships and best commitment to seeking Christ.  I've got nothing to lose and everything to gain.  It only takes the desire to change, commitment to act and the perseverance to not give up.  You can only fail if you quit.  Is anyone ready to join me in making 2011 a year to remember?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Winter Shakeology Recipes

So as you know I'm a HUGE fan of Shakeology.  I love the taste, it's the healthiest thing I eat, and it helps me to lose weight.  Drinking it every day, I like to be able to add some variety.  Some of my favorite recipes include adding peanut butter, mint extract, hazelnut instant coffee and coconut extract.  But with this new Winter recipe calendar, I have many more variations to try!  What is your favorite Shakeology recipe?


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Do you really need Beachbody or can you get fit on your own?

Many people I talk to about Beachbody don't see the need.  They think they can make their own shakes and do their own routines to get in shape.  And you know what, they can.  But do they have the motivation and determination to forge a plan of their own and stick to it?  Usually not.  What Beachbody offers is a set nutrition plan and a specific daily workout plan that anyone can follow.  You also get a coach to hold you accountable and encourage you.  There are thousands of success stories from people who have used these programs and nutrition supplements.  You could also make your own laundry detergent, sew your own clothes and cook everything from scratch.  But do you?  What is holding you back?  Make the committment to get healthy with Beachbody in 2011!  You won't regret it.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

How to have a healthy holiday

How did it get to be November so quickly? Thanksgiving is one week from today! And how do we celebrate, by eating lots and lots of food! We need to adjust our mindset 95% of the time to believe that food is merely fuel for our bodies. It is not love. Some folks mistakenly believe that it is loving to make extremely unhealthy food for our families. If you do that, you are setting your kids up for a life long struggle. I'll leave that 5% for special celebrations when you can indulge but that shouldn't be the norm.

America is quickly becoming the most obese nation in the world. More and more folks are struggling with diabetes. Good health is one of your most prized possessions and many of us don't realize that until it is taken away. This holiday season, try to substitute ingredients in your favorite recipe. Try applesauce instead of butter or plain yogurt instead of sour cream. Ground turkey is great in many recipes instead of ground beef.  You can find lots of ideas just by searching on the internet.

I'm going to try to make these Shakeology oatmeal bars as a healthy dessert option.

Shakeology Oatmeal bars
3 cups oatmeal
1/2 cup natural peanut butter
1 cup skim milk
dash cinnamon
splash of vanilla
1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder
4 scoops chocolate shakeology

Mix all dry ingredients, then add skim milk and vanilla.  Blend.  Add peanut butter and mix with hands.  Put mixture in an 8X8 pan, press flat and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.  Cut into squares.

Hope you all have a happy and healthy holiday!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Multi-level Marketing

I know we've all heard terrible things about Multi-level marketing. We run when we hear someone talk about a MLM opportunity. They try to suck us in with their success stories. Why would an already successful Health & Fitness Company want to turn to MLM? Because with weight loss, those who have been successful are INSPIRING! If they can do it why can't I? That is how I got involved with Beachbody. I knew some people who were moderately overweight. They had found success with workouts from Beachbody. They look awesome now! If they can do it why can't I? So I ordered ChaLEAN Extreme in January of 2009. I followed the program for 4 months and found I am smaller and feel better than ever! Yes, better than high school!

So if they can make a living by helping others get fit and encouraging people to live healthy lives, why can't I? So I started my journey of building my business to help and encourage folks to get healthy in October of 2010. Why? Because I believe in the products, use the products and know they work. Because our health costs are skyrocketing from people making poor health choices. Because our bodies are the temple of God and should be treated as such. I also want more freedom to spend time with my kids. I don't want to look back after 40 years in an office/cube and wonder how I missed it all. And, if I can do it, why can't you??? www.beachbodycoach.com/beckytn

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Original Lie

I found this post very thought provoking from Mark Batterson. I need to let God's truth sink in to my heart. Do I really believe Psalm 84:11?


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

God Still Speaks

I've been trying to seek the face of God this summer rather than just seeking His plan for my life. Honestly, I don't feel like it's been too productive. I'm wondering if God has stopped speaking since I haven't been listening or obeying. But I read a post from Rachel Rowell today that reminded me that God still wants to speak and does. We just need to be silent to hear it. She reminded me that He is speaking all the time. His spirit is the one that makes me want to read my bible and seek Him. His spirit is the one convicting me of my sins. He is the one who brings pure joy to my heart and gives me a hope. He just doesn't necessarily speak in the way I expect Him to. So for now, I will just make more time for silence.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Lately I've been feeling that I'm not very useful where I am right now. I spend most of my day at work and don't feel like I'm making any difference or glorifying the Lord. My prayer has been that I will be used by the Lord as he wishes. But when is he going to move me? As Oswald Chambers says "Jesus never estimated His life along the line of the greatest use. God puts His saints where they will glorify Him, and we are no judges at all of where that is." So I will continue to focus on knowing Him and being obedient when He calls me. To God be the glory!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thoughts on Health & Fitness

I am not perfect. I make mistakes. I sometimes make bad choices. I do not love to exercise. I hate cardio. BUT, I want to take care of myself. I realize that my health is a gift from God and I want to be a good steward of what he’s given me. I want to set a good example for my children. I want to be healthy enough to enjoy life. I want to feel good about myself. I have learned the benefits of proper exercise and ways to get the most impact for the smallest amount of time. I have learned that food is primarily for fuel and not simply for pleasure. I have learned that small adjustments in my lifestyle can have a huge impact on my health. I lost 25 lbs and dropped 2-3 sizes by incorporating 35 min of exercise into my schedule 5 times a week. I also try to make smarter food choices. You don’t have to be perfect. Anybody can improve their health! You don’t have to love exercise and you don’t have to make your life revolve around it. You just have to commit to making a few small changes. Start adding some form of exercise to your schedule. Could just be walking around the block daily! But find something you can stick with. And start thinking before you eat whatever is in front of you! Anybody can do it! Why not you? Why not start today?

Sunday, May 2, 2010


I definitely think God has been at work in my heart these past few months. He is showing me what it means to die to my own desires and I believe he uses suffering to do that. I've been reading The Upside of Adversity by Os Hillman and it seems it was written for me at this time. Bill Hamm is quoted in the book saying "Failure brings you to the point of surrender. Most of us aren't ready to surrender until we reach a point of desperation." How true is that? We all know that as Christians suffering will be a part of life. But to know that the suffering is for a purpose, to change our hearts is encouraging. We can respond to suffering with anger, suck it up, or embrace it. I've realized that I have had the suck it up attitude for awhile. I simply think I can persevere through it and pray for it to end. But that is not the way to learn the lesson of suffering. I hope I am learning the lesson to be content in whatever circumstances and to embrace suffering. Hopefully I will move forward with a much deeper relationship with Christ.

Thursday, January 7, 2010


So, I decided to try to keep this blog going for awhile. I've been thinking about the new year, what I was and wasn't able to accomplish last year. I did manage to lose weight and get in shape, however I have not been set free of my current job just yet. I do have a better attitude with my kids, but still don't put enough time into my marriage. My heart wants to spend more time with the Lord, it just often gets squeezed out by the louder things.

I've also been thinking more about what has become my "idol". What do I desire more than God? I pat myself on the back because I feel that I have material possessions in control. When we moved to a much smaller and older house a few years back, I had to deal with the importance my home and "stuff" held in my heart. But now I've been reminded that anything you want more than God can become an idol. I'm realizing that me wanting to be able to quit my job really has taken precedence in my life these last couple of years. Do I really not want to work more than I want to walk with God? Of course not! But I need to be careful to remind myself of that. The goal is not to lead a comfortable life and save as much for retirement as possible. It's to walk with my God through any circumstances he chooses. So I'm going to try to judge this next year by my walk with the Lord rather than my position at work, the size of my house or how many friends I keep up with.

What has captured your heart other than the one who created you?