Monday, October 12, 2009

The difference between men and women

Well, we know there are several, but since my husband gets the kids ready for school, their hair is always a mess. And I recently bought several cute outfits from Gymboree for the girls. He put the girls in one new outfit on Friday. I did laundry over the weekend and found out at pick up line on Tues that he had put one in the same outfit from Friday! So I'm forced to either wait at least a week to do laundry or lay out outfits the night before! I've also bought lots of headbands for them to do their own hair, but they always seem to forget. Oh well.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Becky, Ok so it has been a while since I've aught up on the blog...but I have to comment. We go through the same thing here. Bradley has actually went to school with his shirt on backwards and nobody bothered to change it...not dad not the floors me. Anway, I went to Target and bought these cubbies that are cloth and hang in the closet. I put outfits for the whole week in them so there is no questions about it. The kids just go pick 1 outfit each day. They are pretty cheap too...under $10.