Sunday, March 1, 2009

Good Mother or Godly Mother?

I read this the other day on a blog and found it so true. This is an excerpt from "She's Gonna Blow" by Julie Ann Barnhill.

I wish I could wave a magic wand and make the term “good mother” disappear forever. Not because it’s wrong for us to want to be the very best we can be, but because I believe we as mothers have allowed ourselves to be sidetracked by an impossible standard of “good”.

We keep a checklist of mothering perfections, yet overlook one ironic fact - which is that God doesn’t ever really call us to be “good mothers,” at least not as we tend to define it. Instead, He calls us to love Him, to become more like Him - that is, to be “godly” mothers.

God doesn’t want us to be “good mothers”; He simply wants us! He wants us to be His children, to draw on His strength, to learn from Him what it means to be a successful human being.

Isn't it so true how easily we believe the lies of the Deceiver? That we are never good enough? I have to fight daily to not fall into self-pity of not eating healthy enough, not reading my bible enough, not loving my family enough and on and on. But isn't that the best way to keep me from living in victory? I will never be good enough and that is why I need a savior. And Jesus Christ in his loving mercy, erased my sins and will give me the power through the Holy Spirit to do all he asks of me if only I will receive it. May we not believe the lies of Satan but only "whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things."

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