Tuesday, January 27, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

Everyone is posting 25 random things on Faceboook and tagging all their friends. I enjoy reading them about others, but it stresses me out a bit trying to think of 25 things about myself. But here it goes....

1. I can touch my nose with my tongue.
2. I love holiday m&m's.
3. I like to be on time.
4. I like others to be on time : )
5. I am a doer rather than a thinker.
6. I enjoy the national news but HATE local news.
7. I love reading blogs!
8. I usually pass out when giving blood.
9. I hate even talking about blood!
10. I still keep in touch with several friends from kindergarten.
11. I prefer email or im over talking on the phone.
12. I love my Samsung Instinct.
13. I love Guitar Hero!
14. I like to eat licorice while at the movies or traveling.
15. I like to have access to a nail file at all times.
16. Starting to have trouble... can anyone help me finish off the list???

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